Year so far…and what I have to do for the rest…

Just like every new year’s I was excited to enter 2022 with new hopes, dreams and resolutions, but everything took a turn for the worse from 31st December…

What I thought my new year would be like I imagined I would go out and have a nice dinner with my family on New Year’s Eve to say goodbye to 2021 and welcome 2022 into our lives.

And then for the next consecutive days, it is almost like a ritual to meet your close relatives and friends and greet them during the first week of a new year.

I wanted to go out, exercise for the sake of my health, work hard for my company, learn passive skills like video creation or storytelling for video editing, which probably is what will drive marketing in the coming 10 years. But every one of my plans came to a halt…

How is it actually going?
My Dad attended a wedding 3 days before new year which was 400 km from my house. After attending the wedding, he came back and got down due to a cold…which was a viral infection that made it harder to do something exciting for New Year’s Eve.

I thought it would be done after my dad gets cured but it spread to my Mom and she was sick for a good 8 days and still not fully recovered.

While this was happening in my house, we received a phone call saying our grandmother fell off the bed and broke her shoulder, so my Mom and I went to the village to take care of our grandmother.

It was sad seeing my grandmother bed ridden, all the memories I had of my grandmother were from when she was really happy and energetic, not gonna lie looking at her like this scared me.

And finally it seemed like it was my time to get sick, maybe because I was traveling with my Mother or because the village was located in the middle of a forest. I have a cold and fever too…

Does this bring me down? Oh Hell No! Even with all of this, I may feel down for a bit but I still have a long road ahead of me with 354 days left.

I still have time to do everything in my resolution, and I will. As they say, if the start is bad everything good awaits for you in the second half…I truly hope so too… HAPPY NEW YEAR 2022, EVERYONE! And finally NEVER GIVE UP!!



































HAPPY NEW YEAR 2022、皆さん!
