Natural Disasters: Understanding Landslides and Cloudbursts in Kerala

Natural disasters are catastrophic events caused by natural forces, significantly impacting human life and the environment. Among these, landslides and cloudbursts are particularly prevalent in the Indian state of Kerala due to its unique geographical and climatic conditions.



Day before yesterday, on July 30th, 2024 there was a cloudburst in Kerala which led to a landslide killing hundreds of people and thousands of peoples’ whereabouts still unknown.

Let’s get to the reason as to why landslides and cloudbursts occur:

**Landslides** occur when soil, rocks, and vegetation are displaced down a slope. In Kerala, heavy monsoon rains saturate the soil, reducing its stability. The state’s hilly terrain, coupled with deforestation and unplanned construction, exacerbates the risk of landslides. When the soil becomes overly saturated, it loses its cohesiveness, leading to sudden and often devastating landslides.


**Cloudbursts** are sudden, intense rainfall events that release an enormous amount of water in a very short time, often leading to severe flooding and landslides. In Kerala, the combination of the monsoon season and the region’s topography creates the perfect conditions for cloudbursts. These extreme weather events can drop over 100mm of rain in less than an hour, overwhelming the natural drainage capacity of the area. The sudden influx of water causes rapid erosion and destabilization of slopes, triggering landslides and flash floods.


In recent years, climate change has intensified the frequency and severity of these natural disasters in Kerala. Increased rainfall and unpredictable weather patterns have made landslides and cloudbursts more common, posing a significant threat to the state’s inhabitants and infrastructure. Addressing these challenges requires a combination of sustainable development practices, improved disaster preparedness, and robust early warning systems.








