

What is Agentic AI?

Agentic AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that can operate independently to achieve goals, make decisions, and take actions without constant human intervention. Unlike traditional AI, which often requires specific instructions, Agentic AI can plan, adapt, and interact with the environment proactively.

How is Agentic AI Evolving?

Agentic AI is evolving rapidly due to advances in machine learning, deep learning, and reinforcement learning. These technologies enable AI to learn from past experiences, simulate future scenarios, and optimize their actions without human input. As computing power grows, Agentic AI becomes more efficient and sophisticated.

Detailed Explanation of Agentic AI

Agentic AI consists of several core components:

  1. Autonomous Decision-Making – It analyzes data and makes independent choices.
  2. Adaptability – It adjusts to new environments and changes in real-time.
  3. Goal-Oriented Behavior – It sets and achieves goals efficiently.
  4. Continuous Learning – It learns from experiences and improves over time.

Future Use Cases of Agentic AI

  1. Healthcare: Personalized treatment plans and autonomous medical diagnostics.
  2. Autonomous Vehicles: Self-driving cars that adapt to dynamic environments.
  3. Finance: Intelligent trading systems and fraud detection.
  4. Smart Assistants: AI that proactively manages tasks based on user habits.

Difference Between Agentic AI, Gen AI, and NLP

  • Gen AI: Focuses on content creation like text, images, and music.
  • NLP: Helps AI understand and process human language.
  • Agentic AI: Goes beyond by making autonomous decisions and actions.

Agentic AI is the new technology in town, it can basically do everything that a human is capable of doing and better.



エージェンティックAI(Agentic AI)とは、人間がほとんど介入しなくても目標を達成し、意思決定を行い、行動を取ることができる人工知能システムを指します。特定の指示を必要とすることが多い従来のAIとは異なり、エージェンティックAIは計画を立て、適応し、環境と積極的に相互作用できます。





  1. 自律的な意思決定: データを分析し、独自の選択を行う
  2. 適応性 :新しい環境や変化にリアルタイムで適応する
  3. 目標指向の行動 :効率的に目標を設定し、達成する
  4. 継続的学習 : 経験から学び、時間の経過とともに改善する


  1. 医療:パーソナライズされた治療計画や自律的な医療診断
  2. 自律走行車: 動的な環境に適応する自動運転車
  3. 金融: インテリジェントな取引システムや不正行為の検知
  4. スマートアシスタント: ユーザーの習慣に基づき、主体的にタスクを管理するAI

エージェンティックAI vs 生成AI vs NLP

  • 生成AI:テキスト、画像、音楽などのコンテンツ生成に特化
  • NLP:AIが人間の言語を理解し、処理するのを助ける
  • エージェント型AI:自律的な意思決定や行動を行うことで、その先を目指す

