

You can still eat the hot dog even after knowing how they are made


Sorry for breaking it to you, but pro wrestling is fake. Most obviously, I’m talking about the WWE* iteration. But it does not make the pain the wrestlers have to take and the stresses their body must endure any less real. Besides, it was probably never intended to be a sport nor providing competitions. There’s a reason why they decided to change the last letter to E in the acronym for entertainment from F for federation.

Now that the cat is out of the bag, I want to tell you a story about my evolving attitude towards this entity. As is often the case, it all started in grade school. To tell you the truth, it was a small case of fomo. My classmates started talking about wrestling moves and wrestler stage names. Wanting to join in on the fun, I started watching it too. As the show gain more popularity (especially among kids), the inherently violent nature of the show became quite the controversy. However, as I got slightly older (read: entering my rebellious phase), I watched it precisely because I wasn’t supposed to. Even as (or maybe because) the TV regulators and commissioners decided to move the programme from early evening to the late-night slots. Back then, I still believed that most if not all of what is going on is real (I was quite an impressionable gullible kid). I used to rationalise (wrongly) that the reason why they let themselves get punched in the face is because they are too tired to block. Eventually, I stopped watching though. The simple reason is, I grew out of it. My friends stopped watching too. And thus, the very first reason why I am into the show is gone. And I stop watching for years.

Then recently, just by chance, I caught one on TV (yes TV, not streaming platform). And even though the secret is out and even when I knew that they are playing to the crowd, funnily enough, I can’t deny that was entertained (though I am not planning on jumping back into it in any time soon, likely never). The reason for that though is completely different. Like I said in the beginning, these wrestlers are putting their body on the line to put on a show. Also, the pure athleticism they could conjure. For example, they flip out when they get punched to exaggerate the impact (and to be fair, while lessening the damage) and these kinds of actions are borne out of talent and hard work. So, one part of the reason is an appreciation of these feats. The remaining part is some good old nostalgia. Particularly, I can watch and laugh at the kid me for buying into everything that got thrown at me. And still the wiser grown up me cannot dismiss them as scams for all the real things that are happening. Afterall, you can watch the behind-the-scene coverage and still enjoy the movie.


*If you don’t know already, WWE stands for world wrestling entertainment. It is a US based promotor of wrestling shows (emphasis on the show here). The shows are a mixture of sports and performance theatre with story-line driven scripted segments, and partially choreographed matches.


もちろん、WWE* のことを言っているのですが、だからといってレスラーが受ける痛みや体にかかるストレスが現実味を帯びなくなるわけではありません。それに、おそらくスポーツや競技会を目的としたものではなかったでしょう。


さて、そんな話はさておき、この団体に対する私の考え方の変化についてお話ししたいと思います。よくあることですが、すべては小学校のときに始まりました。実を言うと、ちょっとした FOMO(Fear of Missing Out) でした。

クラスメイトがレスリングの技やレスラーの芸名について話し始めたのです。私もその楽しみに参加したくて、プロレスを見始めました。番組の人気が高まるにつれて (特に子どもたちの間で)、番組の本質的な暴力性がかなりの論争を巻き起こしました。




しかし最近、偶然テレビ(そう、ストリーミング プラットフォームではなくテレビ)で放送されているのを観ました。秘密は明かされ、彼らが観客を喜ばせようとしていることはわかっていましたが、おかしなことに、面白かったことは否定できません(しかし、すぐにまた見ようと思っているわけではないし、おそらく二度と見ないでしょう)。





*まだ知らない人のために説明すると、WWE はワールド レスリング エンターテインメントの略です。これは、米国を拠点とするレスリング ショーのプロモーターです(ここではショーに重点を置いています)。ショーはスポーツとパフォーマンス劇場をミックスしたようなもので、ストーリー仕立ての台本があり、部分的に振り付けがあります。
