大学芋は「素揚げしたサツマイモに、砂糖・みりん・醤油を煮詰めたシロップをからめた料理。 仕上げにゴマを振りかけることもある。 おかずとしてもおやつとしても食される」と説明された。
- 子どもを大学に送るほどの手間をかけて作る食べ物だから
- 1912年に発行された中国料理の書籍『実用家庭中国料理法』で初めて登場し、特別な品種のさつまいもで作られる甘い料理として「蜜濺紅芋」と書かれている。このおやつがリーズナブルでおなかを満たすことができ、当時の東京の学生街「本郷」の学生たちにはとても人気だったから
- 昭和の初めはひどい不況で、東大生の中にも学資に困っている人がいくらでもいた。そのなかのある人が作って売り始めたのが『大学芋』だったから
- 水分含有量が高く、食物繊維が豊富なので、満腹感が長時間持続される
- 体に十分なエネルギーを確保しながら食べ物を欲しがることがなく、体重を減らしたい人に最適な食品である
- 血圧低下に効果のあるカリウムが、野菜類の中でもっとも多く含まれている
- 老化防止のビタミンと言われるビタミンEが、玄米の2倍、野菜類の中ではもっとも多く含まれている
- 糖質をエネルギーに変え、また脳や神経のエネルギー源ともなるビタミンB1も多くある。つまり、現代社会に必要な栄養素が豊富な食べ物と言われている。
Let’s eat more sweet potatoes
Last month, troubles from moving stressed me out and gradually decreased my appetite. Thanks to sweet potatoes, I was able to get through those days. But I’m always a big fan of baked sweet potatoes, actually it wasn’t that bad (like it sounded haha). So I decided to write about sweet potatoes this staff’s blog.
In Japan, I guess the most popular food made from sweet potatoes is “daigaku imo” (literally means university potatoes). “Daigaku imo” is described as “a dish in which fried sweet potatoes are coated with syrup made from sugar, mirin, and soy sauce. Sometimes sesame seeds are sprinkled on top. It is eaten as both a side dish and a snack.” Curiosity, I googled why this dish is called by that interesting name. There were various theories. “It’s a food that takes so much effort to make, like to send your child to university”. Or “in Japan, this dish was first mentioned in a cooking book “Practical Home Chinese Cooking Method” published in 1912. And the name came when this snack became very popular among students in Hongo, Tokyo’s student town at the time because of its reasonable price”. Another theory was “at the first years of Showa period, around 1929, during recession, and many students at the University of Tokyo were having trouble paying for their tuitions. So they started making and selling this dish and by the time it was called Daigakuimo”. Surely, it’s impossible to find out the actual answer for its name, but at least from those theories, we can assume that daigaku imo has been a beloved food in Japan and for about 100 years.
Interestingly, in Vietnam, sweet potatoes are called with a special name either “food for poor people” which was a slightly discriminatory name though. There’s no clear when this name was given, but there was a reason behind it. Sweet potatoes suited Vietnam’s climate so well, so it was easy to cultivate year-round with little effort, making them a food that could be eaten anytime. And boiled sweet potatoes not just easy to make but also keep you full for hours after eating. On the other hand, rice was called “the jewel of heaven”. Rice cultivation only happened once a year, and it took much longer time and effort, also because the cultivation took a longer time, the risk of failure due to weather changes was higher than with sweet potatoes. Therefore, the price of rice was many times higher than sweet potatoes, and poor people had no choice but to eat sweet potatoes everyday instead. Nowadays, with the development of technology, rice cultivation time has shortened, yields have increased, and rice has become something everyone can eat every day. However, sweet potatoes still retain the name “food for poor people”, but not as discrimination more about joking.
I also searched why sweet potatoes can keep we full for hours after eating. More than I expected, I found a lot of health benefits of sweet potatoes. Summary, with its high water content and rich fiber, it provides long-lasting satiety, making it ideal for those who want to lose weight by keeping them from craving food while ensuring sufficient energy for the body. Moreover, it contains the most potassium among vegetables, which is effective in lowering blood pressure. Vitamin E, known for its anti-aging properties, in sweet potatoes is twice as abundant as in brown rice and the most abundant among vegetables. It also contains plenty of vitamin B1, which converts carbohydrates into energy and is also a source of energy for the brain and nerves. In other words, sweet potatoes is said to be a food rich in essential nutrients for modern society.
Even though my appetite has come back, I’m trying to add sweet potatoes to my meals every day because now I know how amazing it is.