An Introduction to Geophysics (not really)


So it is finally time for me to write my first staff blog, and I am at my wit’s end. I thought about keeping it simple and talk music, or maybe about politics (2024 is the election year after all). I even considered writing about philosophy. But I would either sound unqualified, un-insightful, or simply confused. So I think I am just going to be boring and write about what I know best; Geophysics.



Before we talk about geophysics, I need to mention geoscience which is an umbrella term for any science done on earth (as in about the earth itself and not like all in existence; obviously). This used to be synonymous with geology (or at least my uni used to think so), but geology typically refers to something else more specifically: ROCKS. You’d learn about the what where when why and how of rocks, any rocks (not sure if anyone is interested in the who unless the answer is Dinosaurs). So it’s nice to know your gneiss from your conglomerates (pun entirely and unapologetically intentional), but you don’t really need to do geology if you’re interested in geoscience. Like me, you can do geophysics!

Sorry I was half lying (a third to be exact). You can generally do three things in geophysics. Meteorologists and atmospheric geophysicists are the optimistic dreamers who have their heads up in the clouds. Solid earth geophysicists are the pessimists who look down all the time (we love it so much that we’d pay millions of dollars just to dig a hole in the ground). And then you have the voyagers; the marine scientists and oceanographers (or if you get seasick easily, the masochists). Jokes aside, all three are crucial for understanding how the earth works, and only one is strictly related to rocks really.

At the end of the day though, geophysics is the very same physics that you learned in high school, only now, the subject matter is the earth, including its ocean and atmosphere. But you don’t need to read this article to know that. Instead, here I simply want to poke fun at myself and other colleagues with some inside jokes that I am rather embarrassed to write down. Maybe next time I can be more confident about writing more interesting topics. Better recap on Nietzsche I suppose.







地球物理学とは、地球上で行われるあらゆる科学(地球そのものについてという意味であり、存在するものすべてについてという意味ではありません)を包括する言葉です。これは以前は地質学と同義語でした(少なくとも私の大学ではそう考えられていました)が、地質学は通常、より具体的な別のもの、つまり 「岩」を指します。 岩石に限らず、どんな石でも、いつ、どこで、なぜ、どのようにしてできたのかについて学びます (恐竜である場合を除いて、誰が興味を持っているかは不明ですが…)。








